This is a confidential document with restrictions on any further unauthorized distribution. Neither this document nor any part hereof may be forwarded, copied, reproduced or otherwise circulated in any manner without
the prior written confirmation from the VentureSoul group.
This presentation is a general purpose document for information purposes only. It does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require. It does not constitute an offer, solicitation or an
invitation to any person to invest in a AIF to be formed (“Proposed AIF”) of VentureSoul group. The AIF formation is subject to receipt of regulatory approval from SEBI and the receipt of approval is not guaranteed.
The information and data contained in this presentation is has been prepared and collated by VentureSoul team in their best judgement basis information and data in public and private domain. We do not represent or
make any claim express or implied that any information, including any third- party information, is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon without proper due diligence on the part of the prospective
We also do not represent or undertake to update any of the information contained herein or nor we shall be able to advise you of any changes or correct inaccuracies, if any. The information mentioned in here may not
updated to the date of perusal by yourselves. VentureSoul group or any of its affiliates do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information/facts/interpretations / representations contained or implied in
this presentation
All investors must read the investment related documents carefully before deciding to invest including an offering memorandum including the risk factors mentioned therein and related subscription materials of the
proposed AIF, which will contain additional information about the terms of an investment in the proposed AIF. Nothing in this document or any future documents is to be construed as an investment advice or any advice
relating to matters of law, tax, securities act or otherwise
An investment will be subject to a variety of risks (which will described in the offering memorandum and other documents) and there is no assurance that the any indicative returns will be achieved. All returns stated are
merely for illustrative purposes only. The investment objectives of the Proposed AIF may not be met and the Proposed AIF could incur losses including loss of principal. The actual results may vary significantly compared to
any projections provided. Investments in the proposed AIF are not bank deposits and are mot covered by any federal or state guarantee/ insurance / protections.
An investment in the proposed AIF II involves moderate to high risks. Accordingly, before deciding to invest, prospective investors should carefully study the specific risks described in the offering documents and should
seek independent legal, financial and tax advice. Any decision to invest must be based solely upon the information set forth in the offering documents to be provided in due course. In case of any conflict or discrepancies,
the offering documents will prevail over any other information that may have been otherwise provided, including this presentation.
We shall not be liable to any person for any claim or demand for damages or otherwise in relation to this opinion or its , any express or implied representation or warranty with respect to this presentation.
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